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Personal Vision and Action Plan

​I don't know where I will in the next 20 years, I hope to be alive and well. I hope I will have a family by then, also have kids, and end up being a kindergarten teacher. I hope my kids love me for me, and I hope to be the best mother I can be. I probably will view the world differently by then, I will probably love reading books, and thinking about when I was young wishing that I could go back to those simple times. I want life to be wonderful for me and my family. I know not everything is sunshine and rainbows, but I hope that we can get through those tough times and be strong as a family. I hope I ended up doing everything I wanted to do in life, and I hope I could be young and dumb in my early years of my 20's, I want everything to just be smooth for the most part, and when they're bumpy you get through it all. I wanna have the same out look on life, try to be positive like I am now, and look at life, and just smile just being happy that I am lucky enough to be living and breathing. I wanna be still leaving in the Bay Area, and having my kids going to good schools so they can get a good education like I did. I want the best for them, that's all I ever want. I want them to be happy, I wanna go on family trips and so much more. I know that I'm only 18 years old writing this, but I only hope that at least some of it comes true, and my life will be fully complete. I really wanna end up having a good life for me, and my kids the reason that is, is because I grew up struggling all my life. I just want the best for them, and I don't want them to have to worry about the things that I had to worry about, at a very young age.

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